Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Where has the time gone???

Oh my goodness, I sit here almost in tears, writing about my little man! His birthday is tomarrow, and he will be 8!! It feels like just last year that I was holding this beautiful baby boy in my arms, and changing his first diapers. He's such a sweet boy! I want the best for my boys! I've been on my knee's a lot lately! Praying that my little man will grow up to be a Godly man, to choose to follow Jesus for the rest of his life. But him turning eight, I've realised I haven't been praying for him enough. So today I vow to pray more for my little men and woman. Because with God all things are possible!
The number 7 is very significant. I was at the store the other day looking at candles, and I saw there was a 7 candle, and I went oh that will be perfect for Isaac's birthday, and I grabbed it, then all the sudden the tears welded up in my eyes, and I realized that the 7 year has passed and hes now on 8! I just can't believe it! I think I could just have a good hearty cry right about now!

So tonight for a few fun suprises for him, I am going to go and decorate his room in streamers and balloons, so when he wakes up he feels special. Then I have made cupcakes for his class, chocolate cupcakes, chocolate frosting, and 2 starbursts on top. Sounds strange I know, but he picked it. And then for his lunch, I'm going to bring him McD's as a suprise, he has no idea...then to top it all off, he'll be having a party on Saturday. I hope this small blog and the fun suprises shows him just a glims of what kind of love his momma feels for him. Happy Birthday my little man!!

With all my Love!
Gina or Mamma!

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