Today I'm a bit under the weather. My son had a cold at the beginning of the week and I told him I loved him very much but Please don't share! Well he has a hard time listening at times...this was definitely one of those "times"...cause guess who has a scratchy throat....well besides my son...yup me too....I'll have to find a way to "thank" Him for the gift. :)
This was a little picture frame we made for my mom's bday party in March...they came out so cute...they could be recipe holders or picture frames, or maybe to hold your favorite verse on. Do you have a favorite verse or saying? I'm sure it would look super cute on one of these babies....and guess what those flowers on the top are made of....sugar/gum-paste thats right bought them at Michaels in the cake decorating section...if you were crafty and could make your own that'd be awesome, but I'm not that kind of crafty!....
While I was sick and had the house to myself today I made a few things...first up, I had taken this picture of the kids two or three summers ago, and had it blown up at Sams club thinking it would fit this frame I had purchased at a Garage Sale a while back....and to my sadness the picture was too small or the frame was too big...either way you look at it, it wasn't gonna I himmed and haughed for like a year and a half(procrastination is something I've learned from my sweet husband, and what he learned from his sweet mama LOL) then finally it hit me, I bet I can use two frames and that really awesome wallpaper to fill in the gap....this is what I came up with....
IT will match the curtains I'm going to make Perfectly! I just have to wait for Mothers Day to get here, so I can have my fabric. ;) I wrote down all the codes and took pics, so I'm hopin, and prayin. :) I'm thinkin their has GOT to be a way to make burlap more pleasant to the touch. I really want to cover my chairs in my dining room with the burlap....anyone got any suggestions? This will complete my dining room decor...if not I guess I gotta keep looking. Which in the big scheme of things is okay with me, theirs always going to be more important things.
Finally I made these beauties today. I've never thought to make a cupcake with coffee filters. Yep thats right, those are coffee filters, and they look like flowers to me....This is the kind of cupcake you use a fork with. :) This is the kind of cupcake you could give as a gift if ya ask me...If my MIL wasn't a baker I'd maker her some...but I'm thinkin this would be a pretty lame gift thats in that profession.
Anyway thats what I've been up to....oh ya and planning Anika's Euchre party fundraiser...You know you could always link up and do your own Party....I'm thinkin those beautiful Cuppys would be an awesome fundraiser too.... ;)
Praying for her daily.
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