Sunday, November 20, 2011

we are in california....

So we are in California for my cousins wedding....we were torn on weather to take this trip or not. But I'm certain of a few cousin and his bride were very blessed we were able to come well as my aunt and uncle....we were blessed to be able to help serve at the wedding....and take a big generation picture with all of our extended will be a cherrished picture until the next one which hopefully won't be as long in between as the last one... I'm also certain that the Lord provisions for this trip are never husband that has never gained weight before in his life is currently gaining 3lbs a day while he gets his eats on! Everyday is worked around where we gonna get our eats on! Seriously! This is not a joke people. He loves his food....I love him.....even if he has gained a food And I'm also certain that we have heard a really good message this morning at calvary chapel the barn in san bernardino. As I sat in the worship service this morning a song was beautiful to me and it hit me that the lord new that today i would be sitting in this worship service and my heart would be longing for worship and he planned to bless me where I was and also the person next to me and the person across the room..I was overwhelmed by how good and powerful my savior is. I'm also certain that I'm extremely thankful for the time my husband was able to get off of work and still get paid for part of he is self employed and usually doesn't get but maybe one week unpaid....the kids have enjoyed the time with there daddy...I've enjoyed time with the kids and my husband has enjoyed time with his kids and I've enjoyed this time with my husband. So with a thankful heart I write just a little testimony of what the lord is doing with us. Ok I'm off to get our eats on...again! So thankful. Gina

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