Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Birthdays, and fun stuff!

So this weekend is this girls 7th birthday! How the heck did that happen....feels like she just turned 4 last year! Man how time flies. Her Birthday wish list was quite long....she requested A.N.O.T.H.E.R. build-a-bear...Good Lord how many of those could this girlfriend have and need! Next on her list was a real live puppy...UM, NOT. HAPPENING. Then she said O.K. How about a cow...but wait how would you wrap it? I thought oh goodness child! Even though I want a cow when I go to the Amish community in Indiana, we live in a subdivision...they don't allow cows! Trust me...I've already asked! HA! My sweet friend was very clever and said get her one wrapped up from Mcd's! HA! Perfect!!
Anyway back to her Birthday....She has requested a Paul Frank Birthday party....awesome...found the plates and napkins at Target the other day...picked those up...then looked for goody bags and other party items from Paul Frank, and guess what?!? They don't sell any girl items in party supplies! UHHH!!! And me being always running late this year, could have probably ordered it online, but again because I waited to the last minute...I'm up a creek without a paddle, or wait more apripo would be I'm up a snowy Hill without any Uggs!(since we are suppose to be getting 15 inches of snow tonight!..Yes the snow day I've been praying for for a month now!) Well they already called the snow day this afternoon, so I guess I will have all day tomorrow to work on some handmade decorations....I hope they end up looking close enough to Paul Frank! My daughters teacher last year made her a Monkey hat...Oh. MY. WORD! Its amazing! I will post pics of it after the party....and a linky to her site.
Speaking of OH. MY. WORD! Check this site out....I so want to order some of these....

If they made them in adult, I'd have one of every style! There working on older kids this spring/summer....but if you have a little person with feet under size 8....You have got to get a pair!

ON another note....we just celebrated this boy's birthday...

He turned (GULP) 11 :( I just can't believe that either....I'm not liking this whole thing of kids getting older....
Winter is such a big time of year for us for Birthdays....We have one more to celebrate after Em's this weekend...and then we also have Desi's which is in March...but thats a whole nother blog post ;)


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