Friday, June 8, 2012

an bigger update is coming on our travels...

Hi family...a bigger update of our travels is coming...I'm sorry i haven't had much of a chance with a wireless connection...i'm boot-legging rachels internet.  She and her family are super sweet!  They have been so gracious to our family....most people would be like about we skip a few days of seeing each other...but nope not this family...although they could tell us that and we'd be totally ok with that! ;)
We spent the day at the orphanage....those kids have all stolen my heart. more on those beautiful kids later.
Please pray for 2 of the mamas at the orphanage and the well as our family and Rachel and Argaw's family...that we don't get any of this typhus(?) sickness going around...and for healing for the two they are sick.
Ok.  I gotta run...hopefully i will update later tonight but forsure tomorrow.

Love you all!
p.s God is amazing! :)

1 comment:

kristin said...

Praying Gina! SO much love to you all!