Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pray for daisy.

This morning as we sat around the dining table eating our breakfast together as a family...reading the word and watching my kids interact with my husband while he is teaching us. My girl snuggled up super close. And my heart was happy and sad.
Happy that I have my girl right by my side, practically on top of me.
Sad that daisy merrick had to leave her earthly family to go to her heavenly dad. Yes she is made perfect. Praise Jesus!
But my mama bears heart just hurts for Kate merrick. I'm sure they are praising Jesus right now. For the time they had together. For all her beautiful characteristics. For her love for Jesus. And because.. He has taken her pain away. She is made whole again. But when He says He gives and He takes away. I know it has to hurt.
After our devotion time we prayed. I felt like I was suppose to pray for them. I did. I felt bad for the kids to hear their mama bear cry like she hasn't before. That they had to see me come before my dad asking him to help the merricks and their grieving time and process. To bless them. To hold them up when they stand I'm the stadium today to remember this beautiful life that they were do privileged to call their daughter. To hold them in the weeks and months to come of sorrow. In the quiet.
I know he heard me.
Please pray for the merrick family today. Feel free to read their blog at here
Love your kids today, love those your around...there's bigger things in life friends.
Love you all!


christa jean said...

So, so sad. I am praying for complete healing for them. I know what loss is, and often, it brings a great shaking. Unfortunately, our enemy is always out to steal, kill, and destroy. But, Jesus... He came that we would have abundant life! Jesus, help.
p.s. Thanks for popping by my blog! I wish Blogger would allow you to reply back. I didn't actually see your comment til today! Do I follow you on IG?

Gina said...

Yes I follow you on IG. I'm mrs_tgiraud :)
Thanks for your comments, I couldn't agree more!