So heres a little behind my heart on why I'm making these zippered pouches.

Kids [arrows] in foster care go through a really tough transition being yanked from their home(no matter how bad it was was still theirs)and put with families that they've never met before...some loving..some not so loving...
Our hope is that instead of yanking these arrows from their home and putting them with families that they don't know...that a relative would be able to step up and take them. Now this isn't always best..but when it is best we want to foster that. And sometimes its just an electric bill that they may not be able to afford to pay because of the extra mouths they need to feed...or maybe they don't have the extra grocery money to be able to feed the extra kids...thats where we'd like to come in. Our hopes is to help provide for these relatives stepping up for their own families while they get licensed....or take other steps to have a better situation financially so that the kids that have entered their home will be well taken care of...and from a family member. The transition would be less hard on them...which I believe would make for less long term diagnoses.
My husband and I have seen many kids come through our doors..and the heart ache of the unknown to them...While we are loving and they have all they need almost unbearable to these kids. We've had kids run try and hurt diagnosed with ODD, RAD ect..
I know not every situation is best for the kids entering foster care to stay with a relative...and trust me when I say, the agency is looking for any and every reason to say the relative home is not fit...but when they do say its fit..we want to step up and help. This last Christmas we were able to give Christmas to a grandpa that stepped up to take his 3 grandkids entering foster care...part was our youth group and part was tony and I...and really this is where this idea was birthed...This grandpa stepped up with nothing fact in the red...and He made it..but it he still makes it barely each month...I know just having Christmas provided for them was a huge relief for them...
So I'm selling these pouches...In hopes to help more Grandpas out their who love their grands and are willing to step up to bring them to their home...their familiar home.
DON'T GET ME WRONG...I will happily open my home to as many foster babes that need it...I love them all so much!
I'm just praying HE sells as much as needed to for this that HE has birthed in my heart.
I'm on instagram as mrstgiraud ...which is where I sell most of my pouches...between $25.00-$40.00... Also just re-opened my etsy shop.
Interested in a pouch to support foster care? Comment here or hit me up on Instagram.
Thanks for listening to my heart friends.

Kids [arrows] in foster care go through a really tough transition being yanked from their home(no matter how bad it was was still theirs)and put with families that they've never met before...some loving..some not so loving...
Our hope is that instead of yanking these arrows from their home and putting them with families that they don't know...that a relative would be able to step up and take them. Now this isn't always best..but when it is best we want to foster that. And sometimes its just an electric bill that they may not be able to afford to pay because of the extra mouths they need to feed...or maybe they don't have the extra grocery money to be able to feed the extra kids...thats where we'd like to come in. Our hopes is to help provide for these relatives stepping up for their own families while they get licensed....or take other steps to have a better situation financially so that the kids that have entered their home will be well taken care of...and from a family member. The transition would be less hard on them...which I believe would make for less long term diagnoses.
My husband and I have seen many kids come through our doors..and the heart ache of the unknown to them...While we are loving and they have all they need almost unbearable to these kids. We've had kids run try and hurt diagnosed with ODD, RAD ect..
I know not every situation is best for the kids entering foster care to stay with a relative...and trust me when I say, the agency is looking for any and every reason to say the relative home is not fit...but when they do say its fit..we want to step up and help. This last Christmas we were able to give Christmas to a grandpa that stepped up to take his 3 grandkids entering foster care...part was our youth group and part was tony and I...and really this is where this idea was birthed...This grandpa stepped up with nothing fact in the red...and He made it..but it he still makes it barely each month...I know just having Christmas provided for them was a huge relief for them...
So I'm selling these pouches...In hopes to help more Grandpas out their who love their grands and are willing to step up to bring them to their home...their familiar home.
DON'T GET ME WRONG...I will happily open my home to as many foster babes that need it...I love them all so much!
I'm just praying HE sells as much as needed to for this that HE has birthed in my heart.
I'm on instagram as mrstgiraud ...which is where I sell most of my pouches...between $25.00-$40.00... Also just re-opened my etsy shop.
Interested in a pouch to support foster care? Comment here or hit me up on Instagram.
Thanks for listening to my heart friends.
Have a blessed day!
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