Friday, March 6, 2015

God speaking to my heart.

Within the last few weeks...a few things have transpired in my life that God is really using to teach me some things.
one being that no one that i know has ever been forced into correction with God or repentance with Him with HARSH words...
words like...God won't hear your prayers until everything is right...
or when you respond when someone asks you a question and its not the response they want..your now being called an "attacker"or unbiblical....
The above words are not the words of God I was just reading in my bible.
God's words are love and says His gentleness is unsearchhable...due to the vastness of it...
Sometimes we have the right heart but the wrong approach.
God is showing me in my life when I've had the right heart but the wrong...very wrong approach....
I've let my passion get in the way of His gentleness to friends who are struggling or going through a rough time...
The scriptures actually say this life is rough yo. okay..well lets minus the yo...but you get the point...It says HE upholds all who fall...because this life is tough...yet God is good and there is NO limit to HIS power, HIS love and HIS concern for HIS people.

The key word is HIS. He chose us. Not you or me choosing each other...but who are we to say HE has turned his back on us because we aren't doing things the way you or I or jim-bob down the street would say we should.

The bible also says The Lord is gracious and Full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy. The Lord is good to ALL...and His tender mercies..
So who are we to say otherwise...
I guess my point in this blog post is to say...I will be different in this area...I'm not going to win a friend struggling to repentance with harsh words...or a friend who is sad into even happy with "stop have so much to be thankful for"...rather I'm going to be compassionate knowing that I would want the same..but also because I believe thats what jesus would ask us to do.

So to anyone I've been overly passionate and less compassionate with...I'm very sorry. I'm a terrible work in progress...and I'm slow.
seriously...when someone says something to takes me an entire day to come up with the words to respond..because I'm slow...
Anyways... lets extend Grace...even when its not due..


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